Three Wishes

March 3, 2017

We left Puerto Escondido this morning to travel 24 NM to Bahia Agua Verde. We have three wishes for every trip (other than safety, of course): 1) sailing with 15 knots on the beam, 2) seeing a whale, and 3) catching a fish. Our average is quite poor to date, but we remain steadfast with our hopes. We motor off under still, glassy, calm seas. It’s misty, a few dark clouds overhead, sun peaking through, not a breath of wind.


No Sailing Today

Michael cheerfully, whistling, puts out “Rich’s lucky rod” with a cedar plug. On the other rod, he attaches the new Zuker lure (a red-feathered fish magnet they say) to the line.

Attaching the Zuker

Attaching the Zuker

I strap the Fujinon, stabilizing binoculars around my neck, put my camera in my pocket and head for the bow seat for whale watch. The sea remains glassed off with sun sparkling. I stare off into it, mesmerized. Any disturbance to the sea surface stimulates a heightened awareness. We spot fins sticking up out of the water and determine these to be Manta Rays basking on the surface. Sea Lions are warming up, floating on the surface, fins in the air.


Michael turns on the fish finder. He sees that the fish are all cruising along the bottom, miles below the Zuker. After 10 miles of this, he pulls in the line and attaches a different lure specific to attracting deeper lying fish. I walk around the boat, staring off in every direction. Suddenly, Michael exclaims – I see something- there! Where? There, where I’m pointing. Oh my, I see the spout. I look through the binoculars to see the magnificent whale swimming. His dark mass breaks through the surface to breathe several times– and then with a final wave of his tail, he disappears into the great depths. After that first sighting, many more followed. We saw about 10 whales this day, each one thrilling. We didn’t sail, and we won’t be having fish for dinner, but we are excited as we anchor at Agua Verde. A wish was granted!

8 thoughts on “Three Wishes

  1. Rich

    Ok, that does it! I’m calling the realtor today and putting everything up for sale. Look out, here we come!!!!

  2. Joe Graceffo

    Hey, that’s fantastic! Breaching whales are wonderful! Went out on a fishing boat in Monterey Bay two years ago. The thing chugged for over an hour, nothing. Then they appeared, a dozen or more whales surrounding the boat, spouting, calling…it was amazing.

  3. Joe Graceffo

    BTW, I just used the Where Is Footloose tab for the first time. Very cool! At 12:33 pm on Saturday morning you appear to be anchored off the northernmost tip of Isla Danzante. Beautiful (and uninhabited according to Google). Enjoy!

  4. Pingback: Puerto Escondido and Surround | Footloose Adventure

  5. Deirdre

    I just looked at the “Where is Footloose” tab, too, and see you are in Bahia de Concepcion – can’t believe how far you have traveled! I’m so glad you’ve been able to finally get some REAL sailing in.

    I continue to be impressed with your wonderful pictures, Michael, especially those of birds – it takes talent to make such an ungainly bird as the pelican look so graceful. And I loved your pictures of the little boy with his homemade boat and the church in San Evaristo and the carnival in Loreto.

    I still miss the peace and quiet of being there – and the complete lack of guilt at doing absolutely nothing for several hours at a time. You’re in for quite a culture shock when you get back here!


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